Illustration Friday: Quiet

For this week's topic -- mama and baby octopus quietly read a book together. A slightly heavier paint approach, in acrylic.


nicole falk said…
very beautiful soft colros - i thought this was pastels!
Michelle Lana said…
such a sweet illo! great work!
Unknown said…
so cute!! Lovely!
John Coulter said…
this is so cool!
Anonymous said…
I love the expression on their faces!
Poseidion said…
awww thats so cute! I love the octopus!
Mxikna said…
Hello!! Gomie. I realy like me your work I'm studing for Graphic Design and I'm in my final proyect "tesis" of if I finish it I gonna aprove it.

Just I need a little help of someone who know this area, I mean Ilustration.

My final proyect gonna be an history, that I must need to do, I have one, But I toke the desicion to do a better history that realy help to improve children with especial habilities, but this history gonna be focus to teachers that are in front of a class of 12 children, so I need to do adecuations.

Well, I want to know wich tipographies are better to use in a children history (some examples) and, wich tone of blue the relaxing, well, I read that there is a special tone non too hard, cerulean? or wich?

Who'm do you believe that may help me to develop a good history? I have one, that I do, but I just have a boy as principal, but I want to do a history with this boy and his sister.

Please I need a comment about it

Thank you so much.
Pd. Sorry about my terrible english, I have another native language .

Atte. Isela Cordero
My email is:
Gina Cuff said…
This is a great illo! It reminds me of when I used to read to my children.